Thursday, June 08, 2006

Birthday wishes...

1. world peace
2. health for family, friends & myself
3. happiness for family, friends & of course myself too
4. $$$$$
5. green card!!!! (hate of waiting)
6. stay young & cute (in denial..)
7. play better tennis!! (no more losing please~~)
8. career advancement (another promotion??)
9. keep smiling :-)
10. keep my heads high ;-)

.... 50 minutes to go....

Great minds think alike...

Speaking of Mon... we live in different continent miles apart from each other, so we don't know too much about each other's day to day lives. One day we were talking about car, and found out that we both have been driving the same model car, with exactly same color! This is what I call great minds think alike...

My mini me...

Congrats Mon!

Just chatted with a looooooong time old friend - Monica. I've known her since we were 13. Time flies. Among all my high school buddies, she's the only one I know that earned a "Doctor" title! Very proud of her. ;-) She will be starting a new chapter in her life--> quit teaching lazy college kids and starting a new job!! Congrats Mon!! You go girl! I have strong confident in you that you will do well wherever you go!

Last picture I got from Mon on her big 30 birthday ;-)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Learning how to walk again...

I just recently picked up tennis. It's something that I always wanted to do, but never really seriously get into it. So to motivate myself, I joined a team and started competing in a league. It's tougher than I thought! I have no solid skill of basic tennis. Playing in a league is like learning how to jump before I even know how to walk well. As the result, I tasted defeat after defeat, bruised my confident. But hey, being me, I will keep it up. I am now learning how to walk again and still jumping in the league blindly. I will get better some day! Practice practice practice!!

Score card on 06.04.06 : 2-6; 3-6

Ah Jean's first home made "jung ji"

The wraping looks good...

Looks good inside too!!

With all sort of fillings- dried shrimps, mushroom, salted egg yolk, chesnut and pork.

It's yummy~~

Saturday, June 03, 2006

ooooooooold photograph

My favorite ooooooooooold photographes. I lost count on how old were I when the picture was taken. But it's been years... it's picture of me with my brothers and sisters.

Where'd you go?

MTV was on while I'm setting up this blog site and this song has been lingering in my mind since:

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...

Best roomate award goes to...

no one else but Master Jean! (The picture taken in 2005, since then she has dropped a few sizes. We can now share clothes to wear!)

Friends forever!

Ewwww.... what a cheesy uncool title.... Hey, but that's how I feel! It's been lots of ups and downs, good byes and reunions. Though we are no longer the little kids like we used to be, but the cares and loves we shared will always be there.

Picture taken during TJ's last visit in town. Looking forward for the next gathering in July! ;-)

The Flying Turtle

Visited the biggest aquarium in US, quite a cool place, but too crowded. My favorite picture from the visit -- the flying turtle.

Yoda's new home

Yoda (the most adorable obese middle age Pomeranian) recently got a new home, the gang celebrated for him. It's a fun gathering. Very proud of the new homeowner! :-)

A, B C or D??

It's 6 days before my next big day....

Every year right before the next turn of my age digit, I always experience this rush of emotions. All the success and failures, laughters and tears, all pops up in my mind. It's like trying to study for a final exam at very last minutes, reviewing all the chapters of my life. And I am playing the double roles as the examiner and the students at the same time, taking the test and grading the test myself. Have I live the fullest I could all these years? What grade should I be giving myself? A, B C or have I fail the test?

Of course, I never really get to give myself an adequate grade. At the end I would just let these overwhelming emotions rushed through my mind, then enjoy another birthday celebration and wait for the next count down...

tik tok tik tok.... 6 days to go...